Trust in Certainty : Our Accredited Certifications

Our commitment to quality and excellence is underscored by the certifications we proudly hold at Swati Industries. These certifications serve as a testament to our adherence to stringent industry standards and best practices. We have undergone rigorous assessments and audits to ensure that our processes, products, and services meet or exceed the expectations of regulatory bodies and industry benchmarks.

Swati Industries is certified in certifications, such as ISO 45001, RoHS, ,ISO 9001, ISO 14001, or industry-specific certifications. These certifications not only validate our dedication to quality but also provide our clients with the confidence that they are partnering with a company that prioritizes reliability, sustainability, and continuous improvement.

We view certifications as a dynamic aspect of our commitment to delivering exceptional products and services, and we continually strive to uphold and expand our certification portfolio to reflect the evolving needs of our industry and clients.

Our Clients

Our Company has a strong relationship with leading local and global capacitor manufacturers in the electrical and electronics sectors. The company supplies its products to the top companies like havells, deki manufacturers.


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